Environmental Responsibility

At Block1Host, environmental responsibility is ingrained in our corporate ethos, recognizing the urgent need to support our planet's survival. We take pride in running our data centers in Iceland, a leading carbon-neutral location globally.

Nestled in the North Atlantic, Iceland holds a distinctive status in the data center landscape. Blessed with abundant geothermal and hydroelectric energy sources, this resilient island stands as a testament to renewable and sustainable energy solutions. Operating from Iceland allows us to contribute to a greener future while delivering top-notch hosting services.

Efficient Cooling Solutions

Block1Host capitalizes on Iceland's strategic geographical positioning, abundant water, and wind resources to power our data centers through eco-friendly means. We harness energy from hydroelectric dams and utilize superheated steam generated in geothermal power plants.

The wind, a valuable resource in Iceland, plays a pivotal role in providing a consistent supply for our natural cooling systems. Leveraging the natural free cooling generously provided by the Icelandic winds, known fondly as "Kári," enables us to regulate data center temperatures efficiently while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Our data center's average temperature stands at 1.8°C in January and 10°C in July, ensuring optimal conditions for operations.

Operational Sustainability

Our operational footprint at Block1Host thrives in the ideal temperate climate for data centers, where energy is not only clean but also renewable. The absence of pollution from energy production ensures a minimal carbon footprint.

Situated strategically between Europe and the United States, Iceland serves as a prime location, acting as a valuable stepping stone between the two continents. This advantageous position not only allows our customers to save on energy costs and enhance their environmental impact but also enables them to minimize bandwidth usage and reduce network latency for an optimized hosting experience.

High-Quality Connectivity

Block1Host benefits from Iceland's robust network, seamlessly linked to the global internet through three interconnected submarine cables known as FarIce, DanIce, and Greenland Connect. These cables, named after their connected regions, ensure a unified and efficient network system. FarIce encompasses Iceland and the Faroe Islands, DanIce connects Denmark and Iceland, while Greenland Connect links Iceland, Greenland, and Canada. The utilization of these cables is minimal, guaranteeing abundant and reliable bandwidth.

For further information on our environmental responsibility initiatives, please reach out to us at environmental@block1host.io

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Phox offers more than just a platform to build your website, we offer everything you need to create an effective, memorable online presence. Already have a site? We offer hosting plans that will keep it fast, secure and online. Our professional email helps you build a professional image.
Phox offers more than just a platform to build your website, we offer everything you need to create an effective, memorable online presence. Already have a site? We offer hosting plans that will keep it fast, secure and online. Our professional email helps you build a professional image.
Phox offers more than just a platform to build your website, we offer everything you need to create an effective, memorable online presence. Already have a site? We offer hosting plans that will keep it fast, secure and online. Our professional email helps you build a professional image.

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